

The Hôtel des Postes

What could be more appropriate than this historic site for discovering the answers to such central and contemporary questions?

With its key role in Strasbourg history, this majestic building represents a deep and fitting link between past, present and future. From the management of postal services to the development of the telegraph, telephone, and wireless communications, followed by digital, the structure has borne witness to the development of telecommunications since the end of the 19th century.

Built by Berlin architects Ernst Hake and Ewald von Rechenberg under the 2nd Reich of Wilhelm II using avant-garde urban and architectural principles, it was a strategic asset for the organs of power, hints of which can be seen in its resemblance to a medieval fortress.

Its Gothic Revival style is completely at odds with the surrounding Renaissance Revival buildings, enhancing its monumental character. The edifice bears a rare testimony to the history of telecommunications.

After an initial “primitive” phase, its story began with the first organised postal services, followed by the development of the telegraph, the telephone, and all that followed. There can be no other sector that has seen such dramatic change in so short a time.

As such, the Hôtel des Postes is the perfect location for free exchanges between artists and the public around the theme of human in the digital age and the Touch Me exhibition.

Place Gutenberg

Find Paolo Cirio‘s Street Ghosts and works by Vincent Broquaire at Place Gutenberg, in partnership with Parcus.